Quantum Energy
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ermy.it  © 2015

No wire, no battery… Simply Light

Villa Minozzo Italy


 +39 346 8497 940

Ermy.it born from an experience of twenty years of industrial automation and food in different continents, making it possible to live totally different reality than the Italian.

Then in 2001 began a new challenge, bring the experience gained in the civilian sector, so the first home automation systems in an Ethernet network that in those days were really new.

In 2002 he designed and installed the first system in the Italian Surveillance Wireless Ethernet network in the territory of the municipality. If we think of 2002, the Wi-Fi network was in its infancy, in fact you were using analog cameras, are converted into digital signals and recorded locally for not going to overload the low bandwidth available.

In later years he developed the first supervisory software for home TvLife.net, followed Unyco.net new system management hardware to the Ethernet network and then get to today with a new challenge, the Green-Energy.

An idea worth spreading

Cell Energy Solid-State

The greatest benefit of this Power Cell, is its ability to generate electricity continuously, day and night. The Cell does not require charging, so in everyday use the battery in our mobile phone or laptop will charge itself, whether we are in the desert or on top of Everest our electrical equipment will be ready for use at any time.

This invention could be one of the greatest inventions of the third millennium for alternative energy, and could make a huge contribution to the preservation of our planet.

“ Dream the Impossible “